Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Dietbet. The one where I start winning.

So, according to Dietbet I signed up and weighed in at just about 230lbs on 9/11/2013.

Dietbet.  There are some new 6 month/10% weight loss games, but at this time when I started, it was only 4's.  Basically, someone sets up a Game and chooses the entry fee "bet".  You pay that money and bet that you can lose 4% of your body weight in 4 weeks.

For me, this was what I needed.  A challenge.  A real reason to lose the weight.  And I was NOT going to lose my money.  And I went ALL IN.  Meaning, they allowed up to 3 simultaneous games(which at the time, turned into 4 when they let anyone join the Jillian Michaels game).

I used this to fortify it in my head.  4.  Stressed?  Want to binge on food?  4.  You need to lose 4% in 4 weeks.  No ifs, ands or butts.  You will NOT lose.  Remember it.

And I did it.  I think this was like the first weekend where I held my calories in check throughout.

Still walking with Gympact as well and logging my calories with myfitnesspal.

This blog is late to the game.

OK.  So it occurred to me the other day, that I might like more of a record of my transformation.
I'm calling it a transformation cause I can't think of a better term.  At this moment I am about 2/3 of the way to my roughly 90lb weight loss goal.  I have run and placed 3rd in my age group at a local 5K.  I am currently training at an 8 mile long run. And this is the end of 2013.  2014 I am going to conquer almost every "normal" class of race.  And by conquer, I mean "complete".  Right now, for me, that's what conquer is to me.  If I do a 5K, I'm aiming to beat my last time.  So far I've done that every time for the 3 I've done.

Now, I also want to get something else out there.  I've had a couple people tell me/ask "You must feel a lot better now."
Umm...  "I don't think so in the way you're asking."  Maybe I'm misinterpreting their question.  But Sorry, maybe I shouldn't be the poster child for weight loss/fitness.  Cause guess what?  The reason I never really lost weight before?  I had no health problems.  I didn't feel bad.  Though it's also not like I was a COMPLETE couch potato.  Sure, I didn't do a ton, but I could go out for a hike up and down hills for at least several miles without passing out.
As far as health goes?  Well, yeah, I was "morbidly obese" according to BMI, but that seems to largely be a joke.  From what I can see, I could theoretically only weigh 120lbs and be "healthy".  That seems unlikely to me.
I will admit, my blood pressure had at times been borderline at the bottom end of "starting to be high" or whatever they call it now.  Seems like every few years they like to increase their BP medication sales and the "safe zone" gets lowered and sometimes they give a new class like "PRE-high blood pressure."  OK, so you don't actually have high blood pressure, but you're getting close.  Might as well start giving us money and taking pills now just cause hey, why not, right?
ANY-hoo...  My sometimes almost high of 135/95 or something was...  well let me look.  110/70 on 12/11/2013  So, yeah no question it's lower.

NOW...  If we're talking, do I feel better MENTALLY?  Well, that's another story...  In a word?  Yeah.
Why?  Well mainly because as my very vague memory goes...  I've seen pictures and it seems I did not look that fat in early school years.  But I recall going into school with confidence.  And I guess there always has been a belief in myself that I've kept in general.  But I recall pretty early on getting picked on either for what I wore or soon enough being...  fat, fat-ass, lard-ass, wonder whale(I wore a coat Granny gave me from Wonder bread that said "Wonder" on the back), "could use a diet coke"...  I dunno, I'm sure there are dozens of others I'm forgetting.
In general, it is safe to say that I have NOT had much of ANY confidence in that area.  as far as clothes, I may have liked them or simply not cared, but I never had any illusions that I was the least bit attractive.  I think about the end of my senior year of high school when I started dating Sara, and she transformed me a bit with contacts, letting the beard grow and maybe some better clothes...  I at least started to like my face a bit more and not be disgusted by it.
So, the not so short story is that I had about 12 years of utter nastiness ingrained in me that I am fat, unattractive and anything but a runner.  (though now that I think of it, I DID have strength in some areas. People told me I should join the football team, and I generally won almost every arm wrestling match we had...)
And I've lived with that loathing self image.  I mean, I pretty much got used to it, so it's not like I woke up and hated myself.  But any time we were around other people, I would definitely be thinking periodically about how bad I looked and what other people were thinking about me in that regard.

Now?  I'm noticing a good bit more confidence building in there.  Or perhaps I should say, it seems to be gaining form and substance/solidity.  I'm not entirely comfortable with myself yet, but I'm starting to think I'm not that bad...  I've caught myself in a few pictures from the holidays where I was just off to the side in a picture of the girls and it was just like a mid-section pic of myself and I literally thought "Who is that?"  "Wait, that can't be me....  Is that me?  That person is way too slim..."  So...  Yeah, that's kinda cool.

Also, I think partly because I'm mechanically oriented, I'm finding it hella cool to see and feel my skeletal structure and tendons, etc...  I still don't know a lot about the human body and it's not like I couldn't touch a rib before, but now...  I lay in bed and slide my hand up my gut and...  There's my pelvis and an INDENT, and then the bottom of my rib cage...  And I can feel the actual shape of the entire bottom of my rib cage, and the bottom bone in the middle, etc...  I mean, I can mentally picture exactly what I'm feeling...  That's just cool.  Last weekend I found some new tendon or vein or something in the back of my neck that runs up into my skull...  These are things I had never even contemplated before.  It's rather like the experience of switching to Fivefingers where I suddenly had all sorts of new feelings I was unaccustomed to.

Yeah, I feel better mentally.  (:

Hmm, at this point I don't even remember/know if I had a place I was heading towards...
Anyway.  Thinks are pretty good.
You want the downsides?  Pretty much the same as everyone else.  Time and money.
The running takes time.  Someone in one of the running groups I'm on said "At some point you'll have to treat it like a job."  Umm, yeah, that's been pretty much since the beginning.  I was already in the role of "get my 40 hours a week of PAID work in, and then just about every other minute is home taking care of the girls."  Now, I've got that PLUS...  At the moment my training is generally something like "Hope Bella slept well enough so that I got a decent night's sleep, THEN hope that both girls STAY asleep so I can get up at 5AM, suited up, and head out into the 15F dark desolate roads around home.  For about an hour Tue, Thur and Sat, and 2 hours on Sunday."  And if I don't get it done then, it gets even more difficult trying to find the time for Sara to take over.  I think once it gets warmer, I'm going to have to take the girls kicking and screaming(literally) with me.
And this year is going to be busy with races.  I've done my best to keep it to about 1 per month for Sara's sanity(yeah, though I'm not sure she'll agree).
Which ties into the money.  I've found that races are NOT cheap.  Particularly obstacle races and longer runs.  Basically my saviors are that Spartan and Tough Mudder allow you to volunteer and get a free or discounted race.  Bonus for me, I've so far managed to score TWO Spartan entries from contests.  That was actually the only reason I am going for the Spartan Trifecta this year.  I had NOT planned on it, but after I won a contest, it seemed like the best use would be to put it towards the most expensive race, and if I'm going to do that, I might as well do the shorter ones as well...
That really is the reason I signed up for the Wineglass marathon as well...  My mind had only progressed on marathon thinking from "That's insane." to "eh, maybe at some point".  I was going to work my way up.  But then I noticed that to get the cheapest rate, I had to sign up by the end of the year.  Well, that's almost a year a way, might as well make that a goal!
The other money figure it equipment.  Mainly clothes in general.  I'm down to at least a size 34 pants and maybe a Medium shirt.  So...  I've been getting comments that my size 38's (OR larger) and XL's(or LARGER) are quite baggy...  And with the crazy weather we've been having where I've literally gone from running in 20F and through 8 inches of snow one weekend and then having it a rainy 55F the next weekend...  Well, I really need a compression T-shirt and some smaller shorts at least...

Oh the other negative I've just recently pretty much confirmed is giving blood.  Yeah, I don't think it's going to happen in 2014.  Well, maybe in December...  I'd looked this up before I gave blood and basically read what made perfect sense.  It's pretty much reverse blood doping(blood doping being a performance enhancement some athletes have tried getting away with where I believe you inject more blood cells)  So with less blood cells, you've got less oxygen carrying capacity.  So, after a couple days, you're pretty much good to go...  As long as you aren't going hard.  But once you start operating at peak capacity, you notice it's SERIOUSLY reduced.  I've had a few changes in where/distance/hills that I've been training, but it was just about 3 weeks ago that I gave blood, and it certainly feels like I'm just starting to get back to where I left off.  And this is with a good bit of walking breaks in my training.  Now, if I were just doing 5K's and wasn't overly concerned with my times, I'd keep it up.  But...  Well, I've got like monthly runs and a good number of them are in the 10+ mile range going up and down ski slopes carrying 60lbs of sand, etc...  And that 26 mile marathon in October...  I'm feeling like I really need to be at max capacity.
I love being a "sixer"(giving blood the max allowed 6 times a year).  But, I'm afraid 2014 is going to have to be a year I'm taking for me.

It bothers me, but, well it's the same as the other negatives.  They bother me, but they are objects I have to fight past and take "for me" to achieve these goals.  I know it's good to have more time with the girls, more money for everything, and saving lives giving blood.  But you know what?  If I do all of those, I'm "giving up" on this new self and just going to be the same old guy "cause I had to".  So I need to just do what I can to balance these things out(Sara may not believe it, but I have whittled things down.  There are a number of local and otherwise events that I've crossed out for the time and money reasons, much as I'd like to do them).  I'm gonna feel a bit bad about what I'm taking for me, but I do believe this is the route I'm supposed to take.  And don't get the wrong idea, I haven't spent the family fortune, nor am I not spending time with the girls.  And indeed, I hope to God that I can get them involved in any and every way I can!  I DREAM of the day when I can sign the girls up for a kids obstacle run, and better yet, have them run a full event with me!  Which brought me to the next thought.  I sure as hell BETTER be in shape now and keep it up, cause I'm gonna be like 50 when they are starting to be eligible to run in full events!  ACK!
For this year, I'm hoping I can get them to agree to go "vroom" in the bike trailer (in stroller mode) while I run, and I think I can take them to a bubble pit at the 5K foam fest, and I'm hoping to take Kenzie with me on the Color Run in some form.

Well, I suppose that's long enough for now.  The hard part that is more important to me, is now I should go back and figure out just what I did when.  That's kinda the record I'm looking for of my progression.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Dansville Jingle Bell Run 5K (Or The one where I placed)

This was probably my favorite.  It was their first year, but it was good.

Checked in, and got a bag of goodies, along with what I thought was a fleece blanket, but later realized was a hat, scarf and gloves.

Then waited a bit, and finally people started getting ready to run.

Talked a bit to Jeanne whom I had ever so briefly seen at the Turkey Trot.

And then we were off!
Well, I knew I could do 9's so this time I aimed for a pace in the 8's.  And kept it up without much of any problem!

And that finish line sprint was great, I went past a number of people, including one guy I started out behind and he went ahead a few times.

Then, went inside, got a water and they had a pancake breakfast as well.

Then they were posting the times pretty quickly and I looked but didn't see my name where I thought it would be.  No...  I can't be up higher on the list...  Sure enough, quite a bit faster than I thought!
Well, where did I place this time...  Huh?  I can't be reading this right...  Really?  Did I just place 3rd in my age group?!
Wowzers! I guess I'll stick around and get my free jar of peanut butter!  (:

PlaceNameCityBib NoAgeGenderAge GroupDivTotal TimePace
54Levi SmithAvoca NY28037M3 30-395k26:348:34/M

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Turkey Trot

So this was what I originally selected as my first 5K.
The hardest part was the 15 minutes before the race started.  I wore my treksports with socks and it was again, like 15F and I think I stepped in a bit of slush.  My toes were frozen until like the first mile in.  It was also a good bit slippery on the roads.  I've learned that my short forefoot running(as you're supposed to from everything I've read) is the best way to handle the slippery stuff.

I kept my pace around 9 minutes as I wanted to beat my last time.

Had some more side pains for a while.  Tried the breathing on the opposite side foot plant which helps, but it was difficult to keep the breathing going enough, fast enough, etc.

But overall not bad.  Probably should have kicked in the finish line sprint sooner, but it went well and a new PR!
And I got my first Technical shirt.

PlaceNameCityBib NoAgeGenderAge GroupDivChip TimeGun TimePace
217Smith LeviAvoca NY33437M43 30-495k28:3428:529:19/M

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Sunday, November 3, 2013

My first 5K

November 3rd, 2013.  My first 5K.
Originally I had planned on the Turkey Trot being my first 5K.  But I couldn't wait.
So I signed up for the 5K Chili Challenge in Ithaca.

This was a mixed bag.
For me, it was great.  I made a goal of running it under 30 minutes and I did it(faster than I had done it in training, though I was shaving minutes off my time).  And that was before I thought about this 5K being in a state park with some hills, off-road and even a few sets of icy stairs over a bridge!

Though, it was also rough the last bit.  It was an interesting course route.  I thought it was going well, but that last like half mile...  Wow, I was TIRED and I could have sworn it was more than a mile...  But I made it, even getting a bit of a sprint in the last bit!

But, we signed up the whole family for it and that was a bit rough.  It was somewhere in the neighborhood of 15F with wind and blowing snoy/icy stuff.  Sara was walking with the stroller and the girls and as I suspected, MaKenzie was not happy with it after not that long.

So after I finished, I went back and found the girls and carried Kenzie, but it was just too long out there and too cold.  Kenzie was screaming most of the time.  And there was a good bit of Chaos in the van afterwards.  We did get a few cups of chili though, and we all got our chili pepper necklaces for medals.

63115Levi SmithMale5K29:48.3

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

10K training

Well, it seems I'm exceeding the 5K training, so I'm starting the 10K training.  I think there are a few weeks of overlap around here where I'm picking either program for the workout of the day.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Broke my previous weight record

Logged in at 210.2lbs  Breaking my previous 212lb weight loss record from maybe almost a decade ago.

Friday, October 4, 2013

I run my personal 5K.

This is the first time I complete a 5K around Shawmut.  I'm sure I walked some, but I keep an 11:40 pace.  Not bad for this complete newb....

It looks like in the week or so since I learned I could run, I've also already signed up for the Runkeeper 5K training program.  I'm also exceeding it since they don't yet have us going 3.11 miles.

I think the first few weeks I was also trying the Couch to 5K program and sometimes doing one or the other program for my running.  I ended up liking the Runkeeper training better with some intervals, and some other sorts of training days.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

The one where I find out I can run.

Now, up to this point, I've just been walking, maybe some hiking around the lawn, maybe a rare bike ride.

But...  I've gotten bored with my walks around town during lunch or... Who knows.  But I just kinda feel like there's a bit more there...  And I've taken brief bouts...  Maybe a minute or two at a time...  And run on the one deserted street that I walk...

And it's not that bad...

By this point I may also have gotten to where I've run a few short bits around Shawmut...

So one day...

I go crazy...

I go out to Shawmut Park early with no one around and I just try to run.

Holy crap.  I am amazed...  I run more than 2 miles non stop with a 10 minute, 40 second per mile average.

Who the hell is this guy?  It can't be me...  At this point, it looks like I'm down to about 218lbs.

It's been a crazy ride, but I'm just baffled at the fact that I'm losing weight and I can run...  Just can't be true.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Let's try again....

So, as of 9/2/2013 I logged in at 228lbs.  So I went up a ways, but not insanely I guess.  Looks like I'm about ready to start winning.

Sunday, June 2, 2013


Looks like on June 2nd, 2013 I got my Fitbit.

This one...  Well at the moment I feel less like it's as important.  It's very good at tracking steps and floors climbed, calories, weight etc.  It does a pretty good job of tying things together.

It's also good for my Gympact so if I'm on a rest day(not running) I can get in my 10K steps instead of having to go outside in the rain for half an hour or some such thing.

I dunno, I felt more excited about it when I first got it(well, as with anything, but I feel like it had more value then for some reason...)

But I do still keep it on me at all times, and I do like the logging.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013


Well, it looks like Gympact and my calorie counting worked.  I made it down to 215lbs.  Big accomplishment.  But not QUITE as low as I had hit previously.

I don't recall any particular reason...  But I got stuck.  Couldn't maintain it emotionally I guess.  Though I never stopped the Gympact.  So I was just eating more than I should.  Not horribly most of the time, but not good enough.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

GymPact - How I made sure I walked every day at least.

Well, I can't see when exactly I started Gym-Pact...
I was pretty sure it was early this year...  But I found a twitter reference from 2012...
But since I would have had to used Runkeeper to track my walking....  It looks like it was March 7th.

And that lines up with MyFitnessPal which says that I got as low as 249lbs until March.

I signed up for Gym-Pact.  And committed to a 7 day Pact.  Meaning every single day I at least walked for 30 minutes at 2mph.
As of December 2013 I've made somewhere in the neighborhood of $100+

The details?  You say how many days you'll do something(As of December 2013, that's going to the gym, or logging running, walking or cycling, etc on Runkeeper for half an hour, at least 2mph, or 10K steps with Jawbone or Fitbit, or I believe there's also an iphone app that can be used at home for half an hour).  You also select how much you'll pay if you miss one of your days.  Minimum $5.  Meet your pact and you split the money that all the people who failed had to pony up.  This frequently seems to be in the roughly 30 cents a day area.  Not a ton, but it adds up over time!  And it's paying you to get some exercise!

So at this point, I'm getting at least some walking in every day.  I think this was a pretty good push and I was losing weight.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Highest weight

OK, so I'm going to backdate these things to try to keep them in some sort of order...

According to MyFitnessPal, I logged in on 1/1/2013 at my highest weight of 253lbs.  It's certainly possible I weighed more than that at some point.  I have just about zero recollection of any weights in school.  But it's the highest I recall seeing.

I did have one good run on weight loss around 2004 or something maybe...  I got down to 212lbs.  But, then we had house remodeling and Burger King for every meal for weeks or months and...  Well, I succumbed and that loss went down the drain.

Between then and this Jan 1st high, I was generally in the 225-235lb range I guess.

Either way, over 250lbs I decided it was time to lose some weight.  Prior to this I had been eating absolutely horribly.  I probably took a few walks and/or hikes as my exercise.

So at this point when I decided to lose weight, I believe I started logging again on MFP(MyFitnessPal) to track my intake of calories and keep them probably around 1500.  Maybe I walked some more.

As it has in the past, this mostly works...  Kinda...  I still get extra stressed on the weekends with the girls and what not and end up emotional eating.  and at some point it kinda stopped working.