Thursday, March 7, 2013

GymPact - How I made sure I walked every day at least.

Well, I can't see when exactly I started Gym-Pact...
I was pretty sure it was early this year...  But I found a twitter reference from 2012...
But since I would have had to used Runkeeper to track my walking....  It looks like it was March 7th.

And that lines up with MyFitnessPal which says that I got as low as 249lbs until March.

I signed up for Gym-Pact.  And committed to a 7 day Pact.  Meaning every single day I at least walked for 30 minutes at 2mph.
As of December 2013 I've made somewhere in the neighborhood of $100+

The details?  You say how many days you'll do something(As of December 2013, that's going to the gym, or logging running, walking or cycling, etc on Runkeeper for half an hour, at least 2mph, or 10K steps with Jawbone or Fitbit, or I believe there's also an iphone app that can be used at home for half an hour).  You also select how much you'll pay if you miss one of your days.  Minimum $5.  Meet your pact and you split the money that all the people who failed had to pony up.  This frequently seems to be in the roughly 30 cents a day area.  Not a ton, but it adds up over time!  And it's paying you to get some exercise!

So at this point, I'm getting at least some walking in every day.  I think this was a pretty good push and I was losing weight.